Santa Clarita Schmooze

Last night I zoomed down the 101 to Santa Clarita for the Santa Clarita Schmooze led by Laurisa White Reyes. 
The topic: Synopsis Witing.
I heard some great synopses (the correct plurar, FYI!)
I also may be helping to form a Critique Group with other Middle Grade Writers from this area.
 I love this group!! They laugh and joke and make fun of themselves.
 Another treat: noteable author of BRUISED and HIGH AND DRY, Sarah Skilton, was there.
 I am not going to go into How To Write A Synopsis here.
It is the Topic of our next Hollywood Schmooze -- if you can, come to that!
Or . . . if you feel like a drive over the mountains -- this time of year, it coincides nicely with Sunset -- check out the Santa Clarita Schmooze. It's hopin', I tell ya!
