John Green's tumblr • Why Has The Fault in Our Stars Been So Successful?
This is a very interesting and insightful and informed article about John's passion for understanding
his own success. What is wonderful is that he searches for truth and meaning and does not come across as pompous at all. He is honestly looking at marketing and all the other factors and sharing them with us
so we can build our own success stories.
The Fault in Our Stars is abbreviated TFiOS -- which is 100% grammatically correct because in capitalizing titles, one must capitalize the first letter but not internal prepositions!
And I do highly recommend this YA novel -- it is sad but it is also a fantastic love story and it is not overly sentimental. The YA main character's voices are real, and a bit cynical just the way teens -- whether on not they have cancer. The cancer doesn't change their personalities suddenly. And that makes it very real.
I answered the question in a comment: TFiOS touches the heart and deals with a serious subject
thus offering hope.
Sadly enough, teens do get cancer and die. It is tragic. In fact, there is nothing more tragic than watching a child die. And the parents are dealt with very well in this book too.
This is a very interesting and insightful and informed article about John's passion for understanding
his own success. What is wonderful is that he searches for truth and meaning and does not come across as pompous at all. He is honestly looking at marketing and all the other factors and sharing them with us
so we can build our own success stories.
The Fault in Our Stars is abbreviated TFiOS -- which is 100% grammatically correct because in capitalizing titles, one must capitalize the first letter but not internal prepositions!
And I do highly recommend this YA novel -- it is sad but it is also a fantastic love story and it is not overly sentimental. The YA main character's voices are real, and a bit cynical just the way teens -- whether on not they have cancer. The cancer doesn't change their personalities suddenly. And that makes it very real.
I answered the question in a comment: TFiOS touches the heart and deals with a serious subject
thus offering hope.
Sadly enough, teens do get cancer and die. It is tragic. In fact, there is nothing more tragic than watching a child die. And the parents are dealt with very well in this book too.
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