Death and Fairfax

It sounds like a murder mystery doesn't it? But it's not. It's just my life.
My mother-in-law is in the hospital in her 90s, a victim of a bad stroke...
She is dying but hanging on, can't talk or move, just open her eyes.
It makes you appreciate the little things, like being able to swallow.

Near Fairfax and Melrose in West Hollywood, we rent property to fascinating, artistic tenants . . .  urban skateboarding is very in around here --  it's a street known for fashion. We rent out commercial spaces to artists and craftspeople.
Our tenants include jewelry designers, lamp designers, marketing firms, a publicist for stylists and ....there is one vacant space right now.
Who will be our next tenant?

The Hollywood Schmooze is going well too. The next one is this week. Hope to see everyone there.

What do you think of skateboarding? Do you like it? Have you noticed more kids skating?
