A Prayer and a Song

I woke up this morning after a particularly great writing group session last night, full of hope and enthusiasm and awe for the writing process, but all those feelings came out in the form of a prayer first and then a song, all very fast, and not spoken or sung out loud.

The prayer is a Jewish prayer that is said upon waking up and the gist of it is: “Thank you, God, for restoring my soul to me with compassion.”  (I guess your soul leaves your body when you sleep? I don’t know, because I’m sleeping…but it's there when I wake up!)

The song was “La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin – I heard it on the radio a few days ago and thought, “I haven’t heard that in while.”  Anyway, it popped back into my brain and motivated me to get out of bed.  Once up, I wondered why that song? And I realized that it fit my life perfectly.

When I stop to think about it, I really can’t believe all the things I juggle -- being a mom, a wife, an artist and a writer -- not to toot my own horn, but I’d like to thank my amazing writing group, SCBWI for being there to help writers like me get started seriously and find groups, and the Westside Smoozers, especially the leaders, for their dedication and verve.

Sorry, if this sounds like an Oscar acceptance speech, but it’s that time of year.
And gratitude is important!   


  1. Hi Deborah,

    Thanks for mentioning your blog on the SCBWI listserv! That's why I'm visiting, and I'm glad I did.

    First, I read your Jan 26, 11 post because it appeared to me first, being the latest one.

    Then I looked under Blog Archive and was INSTANTLY drawn to "First Post" and "Why I Write," to get to know you.

    We might have met at the SCBWI Westside Schmooze. I attended once in the past two years, I think.

    Whenever I have to opportunity to pick what blog post to read next, or what story to read next in an anthology or collection, I love to analyze why certain titles sound tantalizing.

    Off to read your First Post...


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